
Sermon 8/2/20: Limping Ever After (Pr. Craig Mueller)

Sermon 8/2/20: Limping Ever After (Pr. Craig Mueller)

I dare say we’ve been on the run. At least before March 2020. Hurrying and scurrying. Playing fast and loose. Swindling more than our share from our siblings. Repressing our nation’s tragic history of racism. Tricking our minds into believing that we could abuse and pollute the earth with no consequences. Living with plenty privilege, and more than enough dysfunction and hostility. There are a multitude of needs this day. As many of us receive communion for the first time since March, Christ comes among us. With great compassion for our world. He comes in the faces of one another—in our homes, on Zoom, in the street. He comes in broken bread, in the brokenness we see all around us. In wounds, in scars, in suffering faces, and in the limp itself.

Christ feeds us and all the world with boundless grace. Even as we become the bread of life for others.

A limp, for sure. Yet no longer on the run. A deep peace comes over us. What we need is here, this day. There is enough.