
Beyond Measure

Beyond Measure

Like a loving parent, God continually calls us to be our best selves, and at the same time generously forgives us when we fall short. This generosity itself is a call for us to do the same with one another. We are made to be merciful.  We forgive because God forgives. The forgiveness that we are to pass on to others is the forgiveness we have in union with Christ. Not because we are moral heroes or because we seek our own well-being, but because we are forgiven people.

Sermon 3/14/21: "I'm So Glad" Pr. Kelly Faulstich (Resurrection Lutheran Church)

Sermon 3/14/21: "I'm So Glad" Pr. Kelly Faulstich (Resurrection Lutheran Church)

God’s strength and presence with and love for of all creation, for the cosmos, the world, this community, our congregation, also includes us, you, child of God. God’s strength and presence with and love is for you too, right now wherever you are or however you are. Whining about the wilderness or giving thanks for what’s in your world today, Asking questions late at night or confident on this Sunday morning, Really living into Lent or feeling a little Easter joy creeping in, Hopeful or fearful or angry or glad, You are part of this world we hear about in the gospel that God so loved and that God so loves.