
Intersections can be risky and dangerous. Whether on foot, on a bike, or in a car, extra caution is needed when approaching an intersection.

Recently I was a behind a car turning left and was already in the intersection. The other turned car so late that by the time I followed, a red-light camera got a picture of my car and license plate and I got a very expensive ticket!

At Holy Trinity we make connections between church and world—how our baptismal calling intersects with the way we live, work, vote, serve, volunteer, and pray. Holy Trinity has a long commitment to bringing our faith into the public sphere. For many this intersection is reflected in the radical welcome we announce in worship.

Our community began to work on inclusivity in the early 1990s when gays and lesbians were publicly welcomed into every aspect of parish life. This passion for justice naturally leads to others. In fact, intersectionality is the way that many describe forms of discrimination (racism, sexism, homophobia, classism) that overlap. Our commitment to environmental justice is another example as climate change usually affects the most vulnerable in society.

Holy Trinity’s commitment to antiracism work has grown gradually over the past 15 years. At least 24 persons have attended a 2.5 antiracism training event. We have had several council and congregational retreats focused on racial justice. A number of books have been read and discussed. A passionate antiracism team has guided this work.

The weekend of September 28-29 will mark the beginning of Holy Trinity's two-year partnership with the Antiracism Team of the Metropolitan Chicago Synod of the ELCA. Through this partnership, Holy Trinity will work with a leader from the Synod Team to discern and enact a plan for the future. What does it mean to do the work of dismantling institutional racism in our church? The Synod Team describes the process as follows: "Challenging racism requires us to look beyond individual acts of prejudice towards the systemic barriers that marginalize members of our family; barriers embedded in our policies and procedures, in our faith tradition, practices and beliefs."

We ask that you join us for an important forum this weekend: following HTLoop worship this coming weekend on Saturday, September 28 and HTLakeview worship on Sunday, September 29.

We will make a commitment as a congregation to this work on Reformation Sunday, October 26/27. The church’s call to continuing Reformation is an intersection worth our reflection and response!