Craig Mueller, Lead Pastor

Pastor Mueller grew up in Longmont, Colorado and graduated from Gustavus Adolphus College with a degree in music education. For two years he served as Minister of Music and Education at Pilgrim Lutheran in Indianapolis. He attended the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and spent his internship year at St. James Lutheran in Kansas City, Missouri. His first two calls were associate pastor positions at Resurrection Lutheran in Chicago and Gloria Dei Lutheran in St. Paul, Minnesota. He was called as pastor of Holy Trinity in 1999.

With special interests in liturgy, preaching and spirituality, Pastor Mueller has both published materials and presented workshops in those areas. Craig received a Doctor of Ministry degree through an ecumenical program in Hyde Park. Two books by Pastor Mueller include an extensive list of suggested hymns for Sundays and festivals in Indexes to Evangelical Lutheran Worship and Any Body There: Worship and Being Human in a Digital Age.

Craig's spouse is Ernest Vasseur and they live in the Edgewater neighborhood. While not at church Craig's interests include cooking, running, yoga, biking, hiking, reading, playing the piano, and all things Bach, Sondheim, and Byzantine.